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How to choose the right agent to sell your home.

Written by Mike Henderson | Mar 18, 2018 8:52:00 PM

Finding your perfect match when hiring an agent

So you're looking to sell your property and looking for a real estate agent. Part job interview, part blind date, choosing the right agent to partner with takes a very worthy investment of time up front, but one which will likely save you stress, time and money in the long-term. So where to begin?

Make social media work for you

Not just limited to funny cat videos and happy snaps of your friends’ recent European jaunt, utilise your social media network for agent recommendations and to do a bit of initial background research.

  • Facebook – it’s hard to beat the recommendation of a trusted pal, so Facebook is your best friend in this respect.
  • Neighbourly – post to your neighbours asking for agent recommendations. This is a great way to find real estate agents that know your area and to extend the call outside of your immediate friend network.
  • Instagram – share a snap of your home with your network #knowanygoodagents #sellingmyhome #realestatenz #letsgetthisdone and see what comes back.
  • LinkedIn – check out an agent’s work history, skills and any recommendations.

While you’re getting all-digital, be sure to visit any associated real estate agency websites – this will give you a feel for the types and number of homes they are currently selling.


Are we compatible?

Does the agent have expertise in selling architecturally designed homes? Lifestyle blocks? Villas? As with all types of sales, product knowledge is often key. Choosing an agent that can talk the talk with prospective buyers can make all the difference.


Making it official

Is the agent licensed or part of a licensed agency? A quick search of the Real Estate Agents Authority (REAA) registry will provide you with this information. Licensed agents must also adhere to the Real Estate Agents Act with regard to professional conduct and client care.
Search the register here:


Wining and dining

An important factor to consider when making your match is the cost involved. Commissions do vary across agencies and are negotiable. To find out more contact us.


Are we moving too fast?

Slow down tiger! After some initial research, be sure to meet with three or four agents from your shortlist to get a feel for their style and what they can offer you, and have those burning questions answered.


Put a ring on it.

In addition to the factors above, following your instinct and finding an agent that you can trust with the sale of what may be your biggest possession is hugely important. Download our free eBook “How to get ready to sell your house” for more handy tips on choosing an agent that’s right for you.