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Tips on Transplanting Seedlings

Written by Professionals Real Estate | Oct 5, 2021 12:15:00 AM

Whether you're a beginner sower or a green fingered grower we're here to help kick things off for you this year. Once you've started your seeds indoors, follow the tips below to transplant your seedlings and watch them bloom in your garden.

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Pot up the seedlings to larger containers

Some seedlings will outgrow their pots before it is time to transplant them outdoors. These plants will require larger containers, so they can continue to grow at a healthy pace. Once the roots fill the container, or you find that you need to water the plants constantly, it is time to report the transplants into larger containers. Try poking some holes in the bottom of a takeaway coffee cup.

Adapt your seedlings to outdoors

Several weeks before transplanting your seedlings to the garden, begin to harden off your seedlings to outdoor conditions. Take them outside for a couple of hours on the first day, then gradually increase the length of time by two or more hours per day. This will help adapt the plants to being outside; they’ll get used to sunlight, wind, rain, cool nights, and less frequent watering and fertilizing.

Transplant your seedlings to the garden

After your seedlings are hardened off, they are ready to be transplanted into their permanent location in the garden. Prepare your garden beds ahead of time. If the weather has been dry, water the bed thoroughly the day before you plant. Choose a cloudy day with no wind and transplant in the late afternoon or evening to give your plants time to adjust without the additional challenge of the sun. Water the seedlings well after planting.

Get Your Seedlings Off to a Great Start

Pamper your newly transplanted seedlings in the beginning until they adjust to their new environment. Shade them from the hot sun and wind for the first few days and keep them well watered until the plants begin to sprout new leaves. Mulch the seedlings to help hold in soil moisture. Keep mulch a few inches away from the stems so it doesn’t smother the plants.