To sell or not to sell – that is the question.

To sell or not to sell

Things to consider before you hit the property ladder (again).

The idea of selling your house pops in and out of your mind and conversation, but is quickly squashed once you dip your toes into the sea of information involved with putting the idea into action. Are you simply delaying the inevitable? Arming yourself with information and ideas will help you weigh up your options and determine if this is the right time to sell (or not).

The why 

Lists aren’t just a great idea for supermarket shopping. Compile your new home must-haves and lust-haves to gain a clear picture of your key motivators for moving. Ascertain whether renovations to your current home could tick enough items off the list to keep you happy. If not, are the must-haves realistic from a financial perspective? 

Other options to consider – could you retain your current home as a rental property, and look for a new home?

The when

Do you wait for sunshine for your home to look at its best? Hold off until your parents are on their annual holiday and their house is empty, if you need a stop-gap between homes? As with many significant life events, there is often no ‘perfect time’. While it’s important to consider the market and seasonality, personal factors such as children moving schools and needing backup temporary accommodation will have an influence.

The (emotional) when

Getting into the headspace of selling is often more challenging than the black and white process of sorting out finances. A home really does become a memory box and sometimes it seems difficult to move on. 

The what

Lawyers, real estate agents, contracts, open homes, auctions, building inspections… It can all seem overwhelming at first, but as you cut through the clutter of vocabulary associated with selling your home you’ll quickly be speaking the lingo.

The how (much)

After pouring endless weekends into scraping paint from your rimu window frames, it’s difficult to remain unbiased about your home’s worth. It’s vital to get an estimate of its market value from a professional to move forward. You will also need to consider the hard costs associated with moving. 

The ‘To sell or not to sell’ eBook has been written for you, to help you figure out all of the above, and more. It’s got plenty of handy tips, checklists and worksheets to help you make sense of it all. Take the test at the end of the eBook to find out where you stand and work out the best course of action. Either way, by the time you’ve read the guide, we hope you’ll be feeling a lot more confident about your decision. 



Everyone has a slightly different reason for thinking about moving. But whatever your reason, the desire to move on is a big deal. Download our free eBook 'To sell or not to sell' for tips and advice to help you decide if 'now' really is the right time to move on.

Topics: Selling